Learner's Permit

This is my first attempt at blogging for Project Play.

Spider Widget

The spider will follow your mouse.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I think I have been behaving as a fundamentalist, that is deciding in advance what to read, explore, or learn about. I guess another word for it is "pre-judge." I realize that I need to try to follow the curious, investigative path. I always have a to-do list that is longer than I can ever get done. Most of the time it is not things I really want to do, but need to do. I resolve that I will try to set aside some time each day to myself to learn and explore. I realized that my two twenty-something sons do just that. They start their mornings with the Internet: they read the news, catch up on their friends' activites via social networking sites, read what's new in tech, check email, etc. I used to worry that they were isolated, but now realize that they are more "connected" in a lot of ways to the outside world than I am. Project Play has been a fabulous learning experience. It has shown me so many paths, so much new information, so many options that I did not know existed. Bravo.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a great resolution, Archivist! It is so easy to get caught up in the have-to-dos that we forget to explore and learn (I'm guilty of this, too!)

That "connected vs. isolated" question is a great one, too. Actually, Project Play has been a great example of how these technologies can connect us. I feel much more connected to the PPers whose blogs I've been reading. It's been a great experience for me, too.

Congratulations on getting through the 2nd semester!!